About Me...

Mr Stepi Hakim a leading environmental management and development specialist within Indonesia with more than 15 years experience working as a consultant in the forestry sector. Mr Hakim's work experience covers a remarkable number of subject areas including working as an institutions expert, timber coordination manager, forestry law and environmental law specialist, community forestry specialist, forestry specialist and researcher. Mr. Hakim’s key qualifications in forestry issues spans widely: forest land use, forestry policies, timber management and administration, social forestry and community forestry, Institutional development, capacity building, training and facilitation, project planning, monitoring and evaluation, logical framework analysis, participatory approaches to project identification and research. Mr Hakim has extensive local knowledge having worked right across the Indonesian Archipelago in Sumatra (Banda Aceh, Nias, Medan, Jambi), Java (Jakarta and Bogor), Kalimantan (Central, West and East), Tanimba Islands and Ambon. In addition to English and Bahasa, he speaks three local languages - Kutai, Banjar and Sunda.He has worked for a notable number of national and international clients including UNDP, FAO, EC, GTZ, EU-Forest Liaison Bureau, EU - Illegal Logging Response Centre, the Centre of International Forestry Research (CIFOR), EU - Indonesia Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Support Project (EU-Indonesia FLEGT SP)



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Ir. Stepi Hakim, MEMD


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